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Submit photographs

Have you found any photos of the Saxon Palace, the Brühl Palace or the townhouses located at 6, 8 and 10/12 Królewska Street in Warsaw? Attach their digital copies and provide some basic information using the the form below. Not a single photo is considered to be more or less important - every memory and every image of this particular portion of Piłsudski Square may help in the reconstruction process. If you're not sure what the buildings we are aiming to reconstruct looked like in the past, please browse our photo collections available on the home page.

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  • Ministerstwo Kultury i Diedzictwa Narodowego
  • Co-financed from the funds of the Minister of Culture
    and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland

  • Reconstruction of the Saski Palace, the Brühl Palace and
    tenements at Królewska Street - preparation works

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